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The main story centers around a vampire named Emmaline (Played by Dakota Knisley) who longs for companionship in her eternal life, filled with isolation and problems no one else understands. Though her human classmate, Alexis (Played by Niav Lorenzo), recognizes Emmaline's loneliness and strange behavior, Alexis also values their quality friendship. Over time, their friendship grows, and Alexis decides to become a vampire alongside Emmaline.
Posted by Admin, September 22, 2008 at 11:10 AM.
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RiverPhoenix Scott
Producer/Concept Writing
Niav Lorenzo​​​
Dakota Knisley
Niav Lorenzo​​​
Cheerleader 1
Sabrina Ziegler
Cheerleader 2
Jesse Jurado
Soccer Player 1
Allie Liu
Soccer Player 2
Nadya Maximov
Party Guy
Joe Raible
Set Management
Lucy Manfredi​​
Isabel Terry​​